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Kelowna weather

1120 Rock ClubThe altitude of 1120 feet
above sea level is used to name the club


Club Workshop 1111 Gordon Dr. (left side at back of
Kelowna Rocks & Gems)

Saturday 21 September
there will be a tailgate sale

Grace Baptist Church 1120 Glenmore Road
hosted by 1120 Rock Club
There will be spaces 10' x 10' for $50
If you are interested in being a vendor contact Remy
or phone 236-420-1815
You must provide your own tables
and your own canopy (optional)
You must be a member of a BCLS club to be a vendor


Senior Centre 1353 Richter StreetMap

Doors open at 6:45 pm. The meeting starts at 7:30

You may bring treasures to talk about and
a small contribution for the door prizes

Club Meetings 4th Wednesday
September-November & January-May

Senior Centre 1353 Richter St, KelownaMap
Membership Fees ~ Individual: $25
Family: $40 (1 or 2 adults and children ~ grandchildren)
Xmas party in December & Picnic in June

Membership fees may be paid at a meeting or
Move mouse to use e-transfer for payment
Include: Name(s), address, phone number, email address

Club membership includes:
Most activities with other clubs
Membership in the British Columbia Lapidary Society Membership in the Gem and Mineral Federation of Canada Insurance while involved in club, BCLS and GMFC activities

Mission Creek Gold Panning - Kelowna Capital News coverage

1120 Rock Club Scholarship
One $500 scholarship is available to assist a student
enrolled at an accredited university, college or technical school
in the province of British Columbia.


Please click on the supervisor's name and call to reserve a spot
Experienced people may contact Doug Kesslar for use at other times

1111 Gordon DriveMap
Enter on the side towards the back
behind the Kelowna Rocks & Gems store


*There is a $10 drop in fee to use the workshop
We also have punch passes available: 5 session pass for $40, or 10 session pass for $75
Fees assist in the cost & supplies required to run the shop
Workshop users must be a member of a BCLS club